新浪宽频 > 比兹卡 > 正文

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年09月05日12:54
    Bizika has also been called Tujia Minority one generation after another. It is an ancient minority and has had a long history. The birthplace of this group of people is Qingjiang River, which runs in the west of Hubei Province. Living in the big mountains for thousands of years, they have created their own unique customs and cultures.

    Living close to the ravines of mountains, Bizika people have been hardworking, sincere and honest. Yet they are brave, optimistic, open and straightforward. Bizika, the large song and dance musical, is just an exquisite epitome of living conditions, customs and the wills of Tujia people.

    This musical has neither linear plots nor interrelated roles. However, it covers all the aspects of Tujia Minority and includes all types of roles, both men and women, the old and the young, all of whom are descendants of Bizika.

    The musical has various art styles, including singing, dancing, poems and plays, all of which are the vivid presence of Tujia local customs.

    Through this drama, we can clearly see their primitive way of living, appreciate the aboriginal Tujia people’s singing and dancing, and be affected by these hardworking Bizika people’s life attitudes, romantic love stories as well as their magnanimity towards life and their hope for a splendid future.



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