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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年09月07日17:51 法新社


  The Kaftan event celebrates 10 years in 2006. Famous in Marrakech, this highly prized event offers designers and young rising talents, from Arab countries, a real springboard to their careers; each has to present their own vision of the kaftan in front of the cream of society. This celebration at the same time aids the education of young girls from rural areas though the organization CSSF (Comitéde Soutien Ãla Scolarisation de la Fille Rurale au Maroc). ITW Sophia Benbrahim in French. Music : Fashion show

  ITW Sophia Benbrahim in French :

  The kaftan is a ceremonial dress from the 12th century that was originally made for men. The women wore dresses but with a sort of veil but not a veil like today, I'm talking about a cape so that they were hidden. So it was actually the man who had the very richly embroidered kaftan and then in 18th century women stole it from the men and then it became as I said before a ceremonial dress. It has a very basic original cut, it's a vertical rectangle and the sleeves are also rectangles which is worn with a belt. These days the cut is beginning to be refined, to evolve. There is an enormous amount of embroidery. It's an item of national heritage, it isn't a item of folklore, Moroccans wear them particularly the women, they always wear them at ceremonies: for weddings, for baptisms.



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