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Mickael Kra的珠宝展示

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年09月07日17:32 法新社

  Mickael Kra的珠宝仿佛都是与人体很自然的结合在一起,而并不仅仅是饰品。这位来自象牙海岸,现如今生活于巴黎的设计师已经为Parisian couture houses工作了数年。他现在直接与来自非洲、喀拉哈里沙漠的人合作,以求保持手工制作的传统。他的作品在Black is beautiful fashion show上展示。

  Mickael Kra's jewelry seems to naturally overlap with the body of men and women till it becomes more than a accessory, a real piece of clothing. The designer, originally from the Ivory Coast and now living in Paris, has worked for several years for Parisian couture houses (Louuis Féraud, Jean-Louis Scherrer, Balmain...). Today he works directly with the African people like San/Bochiman women living in the Kalahari desert in order to perpetuate the handicraft tradition. His unique pieces presented at the "Black is beautiful fashion show" addtionally possess a mix of semi-precious stones, pearls, ostrich egg shells, feathers, leather and metal. ITW with Mickael Kra in French.

  ITW with Mickael Kra in French :

  I actually presented a mix from western Africa and austral Africa, lots of semi-precious stones, such as yellow jade, the shell of an ostrich egg, an ostrich feather, leather mixed with metal, different weaving techniques, pearl threading, inspired by eastern Africa. I actually tried to go in a different direction, we speak of jewelry, of accessories and to me jewelry is the key piece and clothing becomes the accessory and so I used the same drape of black muslin and I draped it in different ways, inspired by sari's from India, muslim drape and Parisian fashion.

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